Home for Good: A 5- Year Countywide Plan to Improve Reentry in Philadelphia
Home for Good, the collective action plan that resulted from an inclusive strategic planning process in 2015, guides the Reentry Coalition’s work towards a goal of reducing recidivism by 25% over 5 years. The original plan was adopted by the Philadelphia Criminal Justice Advisory Board in the fall of 2015. As of 2021, the Coalition has adopted a new strategic plan. The details of which can be found here.
The overarching theme of Home for Good -- strengthening collaboration amongst agencies working on reducing recidivism in Philadelphia and driving increased alignment of efforts and resources to more effectively support people returning from incarceration – continues to motivate our activities as a Reentry Coalition. As we have been implementing Home for Good, we have had to adjust some timelines and some specific goals and objectives. For example, one of five original tactics was to adopt a shared methodology of Risk-Needs-Responsivity, which we are no longer actively pursuing as we had envisioned in the plan that we would (specifically, the use of a single risk and needs assessment tool system-wide).
Check out our Home for Good Year 1, Home for Good Year 2 , and 5-Year Retrospective reports for updates of our progress: